Dynamic Equine Products... based in the USA, is the Main Distribution location that handles all Selecting and Purchasing of Quality
Equine Products and General Health Care items. This is where it all starts for Worldwide Distribution of Wholesale and Retail Sales. Dynamic
Equine Products (USA) is based out of Orlando, Florida.

Dynamic Equine Thoroughbreds...operates at the same location as it's other division's. However, horses whether they be purchased at
the sales ring or privately are mainly selected in the U.S.A  It is here that thoroughbreds are purchased and sold in the U.S.A or shipped
internationally to our clients. We handle the analysis, selection, vetting and transporting to final destination. Dynamic Equine Thoroughbreds
handles all quarantine and flight plan arrangements, from blood work done for health requirements, to stabling at the USDA holding facility for
horses international shipping. This process is handled in collaboration with our trustworthy affiliates. From start to finish we handle it all. We
also utilize a network of experienced horsemen in the industry, ranging from past and current horsemen for important decision making
information. We put much research into our thoroughbred selection to make sure that we give our clients every possibility to acquire that

Dynamic Equine !
                                              Analyzing and Selecting Young Bloodstock !

Dynamic Equine Racing...is the banner under which the race horses compete under. This racing entity also offers creditable individuals
the opportunity to realize and live their dreams in the excitement and prestige of racehorse ownership. We embrace the fact that there is a
great feeling in watching your horse thunder down the stretch, getting your picture taken and knowing that you are a part of that glory.
Therefore, we offer interested parties various options in affordable shares, of which we manage the day to day affairs and keep owners
informed of progress and make sure that they are involved in the process. This way each owner has a positive feeling of control in their
investment and would not be a silent partner. We purchase thoroughbreds specifically for partnership purposes and then send that horse to a
selected trainer once a partnership group is formed, as well as race solely by Dynamic Equine.



The Joseph family has been in the thoroughbred racing industry dating back to the 1940's. Terrance Joseph began riding horses at a  young
age and would often skip school to exercise horses. He then trancended his love for horses to racehorse ownership and training. His father,
Henry Joseph known as "Grampa"...not Grandpa, was an ardent racehorse owner and fan, dating as far back as 1930's.                                
Stanley Joseph..Terrance brother, has also been an instrumental part in the family's racing history, dating back to the 60's as well and has many
interesting racing stories to tell. This strong family horsemen tradition has passed down from generation to generation. Dereck Joseph...son
of Terrance Joseph, has also been in this sport from a teenager in the 70's and has carried on the racing tradition, which has trancended upon
him to this day along with his father. Collectively, the Joseph's has also bred, sold and raced their thoroughbreds. This past history transcends
to much experience in this industry of which we now utilize in the thoroughbred world today. Although back then it was not as commercialized
as today, but the love of the sport still goes on. The Joseph family has sold and raced successful thoroughbreds Worldwide.
Family Racing as Far Back as the 60's to Present ...A Family Tradition
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